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Examining the Life Cycle: Summary and Further Reading

We have seen in this module the need to take a holistic approach to improving sustainability within the pharmaceutical industry and examine the product as a whole, throughout its entire lifecycle and not solely focusing on the API.

Recommended reading:

Environmental Classification of Pharmaceutical Substances (Last accessed: September 2022)

S. Aldridge, Industry backs Biocatalysis for greener manufacturing, Nature Biotechnology, 2013, 31, 95-96.

W. De Soete, L. Boone, F. Willemse, E. De Meyer, B. Heirman, H. Van Langenhove and J. Dewulf, Environmental resource footprinting of drug manufacturing: Effects of scale-up and tablet dosage, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2014, 91, 82-88.

Novartis in Society (Last accessed: September 2022)